A person trims the bottom of a Creeper

Repair Service


At George Cox, we want our Creepers to do more. That’s why we’re introducing our repair service. Goodyear welted footwear can have their soles replaced provided the uppers are in good enough condition.

A person trims the bottom of a Creeper

The service begins with a free virtual assessment of your Creepers to determine whether we believe a repair can be completed. We operate on a transparent repair protocol in order to prevent you from incurring any unnecessary expense.

To submit a repair request, please email customersupport@georgecoxfootwear.com with the subject CREEPER REPAIR. We will require photographs in order to make the virtual assessment so please attach images, in particular the region around the welt (indicated in grey in the image).

Our system operates on a traffic light basis.

Green: We believe the Creepers are repairable and will provide you a link to order the repair. 

Amber: We are unsure if the Creepers are repairable, and will ask you for more information. In this instance we will describe the procedure, but will not ask you to order a repair unless we are confident that they are repairable.

Red: We do not believe that the Creepers are repairable and will not accept a repair order.

The shipment to us will be at your expense, and full details of the procedure will be explained on receipt of order.  Please note that sole replacement is essentially remaking the bottom of the shoe and can take up to 8 weeks, depending on factory holidays etc. The price for this service can be found in the table below:

Creeper Sole Strummer Sole
UK £160 £145
EU €190 €175
USA $185 $165
Japan * *
Rest of World ** **

*repairs for Japan can be done locally. Email customersupport@georgecoxfootwear.com for details.

**Email customersupport@georgecoxfootwear.com for details.

Price includes VAT and delivery in UK/EU. Includes delivery in USA and RoW.